Frequently Asked Questions

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You can find most answers to your questions right on this page.

Lee Cozens

The programme is designed for everyone who participate in sports at a competitive level and wants to improve.

We work with athletes of all sports. we don’t work on the physical aspects. we use tried and tested methods to upgrade your mindset, clear away any interference so the physical aspects you work on with your coach can only improve.

We work from our main office in Templemore Co.Tipperary Ireland. along with offering appointments also in both Portlaoise & Naas.
For some clients & events we can travel to you for additional travel costs

Of course we work with clients from all over the world, online using either Skype, Zoom, Facetime or messenger. Book a free strategy session online to see how it will work for you. In the comfort and safety of your own home.

From youngsters of 10 years old, just starting out in their sport through to adult professional athletes, every programme is tailored to your individual needs.

We do single sessions, but for best results and value the 4 session champions mindset programme is our most recommended.
In addition we also offer great value with 8 or 12 session programmes to build continued long term success.

Each session normally lasts between 60-90 minutes, depending on what is required as each programme is designed to your individual needs.

The 4-session programme is normally one session a week for 4 weeks.
The 8-session programme is run over 3 months. First 4 weeks,same as the 4 session followed by 4 more additional sessions every 2 weeks.
Or a programme can be designed around your time frame & competitions.

YES. Absolutely, All sessions are run in accordance with a professional code of conduct.
This means that sessions take place in a trusted and confidential environment.

Yes. Absolutely, every programme is designed around your needs. request a free strategy call to discuss your requirements to how your game could improve.

Gone are the days of working on your mental health is considered a weakness.
In fact, Nearly every top level club are employing some kind sports psychology support for their players.
Using sport psychology techniques alongside other sport science support (e.g. physio, strength and conditioning, nutrition) is seen as a proactive way to gain a competitive edge and optimise performance.
In fact its the opposition that should be worried!

But remember every session is confidential between myself (Lee Cozens ) & the client (you) so nobody has to know.

That's completely up to you. Some clients prefer to keep things private. Others like me to connect with their coach & be part of the team. Either way, working on clearing away any interference will help your coach to improve your physical skills & techniques

For professional service and optimum results we only work with a small number of clients at any one time.
The first step is to request a free strategy session to discuss your needs and make sure we are both a good fit to work with each other.

Visa or Mastercard with PayPal or we can arrange bank transfer

Any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Let me help you achieve your goals.